Saturday, February 28, 2015

Warrior Adepts Update: First Ones Done!

So while I waited for a plumber to come to fix a busted water pipe, I knuckled down and finished up my first batch of rescued Warrior Adepts! It's the same mix of Tactical and Assault marines I've been working on and I'm pretty pleased with how they came out.


Obviously there's still a little bit of work to do. I need to base them (thinking gravel-ish rather than sand) and they still need their chapter/squad marks added, but the bulk is done.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015


So after searching all the the game stores in my area, locating a 40K 7th ed rulebook was a bust. I satisfied my noob self by settling for getting the Space Marine codex and while it's a nice book, it's not the core rules that I needed to actually do more than paint little plastic men.

I took my new codex and my Warrior Adepts up to my parents house for a weekend trip to DC and on a whim decided to see if there was a Games Workshop up in their neck of the woods.

And there was!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Warrior Adepts Update

Alrighty, update time for my first batch of Space Marines. My rescued battle brothers are rehabing nicely into my first batch of Warrior Adepts and the rest are just about ready for their final scrub down.

I'm getting used to painting them although I still find myself doing a few passes to neaten up the quartering and the little details that are harder to reach since the minis came pre assembled.

The boys are going to be members of 4th Company and I'm going to be marking them with formal Codex Astartes company markings, so some since green trim went on today. The final base colors are going down now (the weapons/pouches ect) and I hope to be putting washes on soon.

In other news, I picked up a Dreadnaught yesterday! He's new so I get the set up that I really want asthetics wise and I think with my Terminators, I'll have a basic battle ready group up and running soon.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Recovered Battle Brothers

So I decided to go with the Warrior Adepts. No know founding chapter, so I fgure I'll be able to try out the various chapter play styles that way...and I still really like the quartered paint scheme.

                          Recovering battle brothers from the grips of Chaos; aka the 2nd hand bin

Started the long soak for all my second hand boys, a couple of them had multiple layers of paint and two had some nasty enamal paint on them which has been a bear to get off. I've been doing a multi day soak in Simple Green since I had it around and while it's not the fastest stripper in the west, it's doing the job.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Clanrats Completed

Hit my first Warhammer milestone with the compleation of my first pack of Clanrats!
                                                        Comin' at 'cha!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday! Dip was eaten, commercials were laughed at and people sporting were watched. But, before that there was painting and assembling.